Tips to Prepare for DSSSB Exam

Everybody may provide you a general plan, such as managing time, planning time schedules and distributing time to all subjects. I think that's pretty obvious, and you know that, too. So today, I'm telling you some good DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Preparation Tips.

General Intelligence and Reasoning Paper 

The General Intelligence and Reasoning Chapter focuses mainly on logical and analytical knowledge. Applicants studying for the DSSSB exam should concentrate more on concepts and facts than on an analytical approach.

You must develop the mental alertness levels along with logical problem-solving skills, which are the greatest requirement to solve the reasoning portion of the DSSSB Exam.

You need to improve your speed and focus on completing the sections quickly and within a given time limit without making a lot of mistakes.

General Awareness Test

Many of the questions will be there  to test your knowledge of current events and to determine your day-to-day observation and knowledge of science and current affairs. So, it's recommended to practice Current Affairs Quiz on a regular basis. Subscribe some decent newspaper like 'The Hindu' and try to make reading the newspaper one of your morning habits.

You should read Competitive magazines like 'Pratiyogita Darpan' and 'Competition Quality Analysis.' They have concise detail on the most occurring activities. Read Columns like  news at a glance, burning topics.

Apart from a newspaper that is preferably considered to be one of the best sources of knowledge for current affairs, you can help of related  YouTube channels. They've compiled historical and existing GK images.

You should make daily notes on the different topics covered and be on time to review them for maximum benefit and rank well in the General Awareness parts of the DSSSB Exam.

Arithmetic Aptitude

The range of questions will be taken from the analysis of whole numbers, decimals, fractions, relationship, number, percentage, ratio and proportion, square roots, average, value, benefit and loss, discounts, collaboration, mixtures and accusation, etc. You should concentrate on learning quick tricks to answer questions that save time and effort and also answer maximum questions in terms of time and effort.

English Comprehension 

You should have a clear knowledge of the Grammar rules and their proper use. Knowledge of the elimination technique is necessary. In the right context, you will prepare for the laws of Grammar and its proper use.

You may refer to books as the word power made simple by Normal Lewis. Finally, allow more time to solve the previous year's question paper as it will help you get into the exam mode and also explain any concerns about the exam pattern or form of questions.

For More information on DSSSB Coaching in Yamuna Vihar, Uttam Nagar and Greater Noida visit Vision Competitive Academy. You can also do smart preparation for DSSSB Competitive Exam with our newly launched online classes. You can now avail the live lectures from our well reputed teachers at your laptop/mobile and enjoy quality education from the comfort of your home/college/etc.


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